Research output

  1. 2021
  2. Published
  3. E-pub ahead of print

    The PIOLab: Building global physical input–output tables in a virtual laboratory

    Wieland, H., Lenzen, M., Geschke, A., Fry, J., Wiedenhofer, D., Eisenmenger, N., Schenk, J. & Giljum, S., 18 Nov 2021, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Journal of industrial ecology.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published
  5. E-pub ahead of print

    Experimental determination of the MnO activity coefficient in high-manganese slags using the chemical equilibrium method

    Cheremisina, E., Gao, X., Ueda, S., Kitamura, S. Y., Yamashina, R. & Schenk, J., 26 Jul 2021, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Metals. 11.2021, 8, 13 p., 1190.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published
  7. E-pub ahead of print

    Measurements methodologies for basic oxygen furnace cold modeling

    Gonçalves, F., Ribeiro, M. A., Correa, R., Silva, R., Braga, B., Maia, B. T., Tavares, R. P., De Carvalho, D. A. G. & Schenk, J., 4 May 2021, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 13.2021, July-August, p. 834-856 23 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  8. E-pub ahead of print

    Review on the Oxidation Behaviors and Kinetics of Magnetite in Particle Scale

    Zheng, H., Schenk, J., Spreitzer, D., Wolfinger, T. & Daghagheleh, O., 3 May 2021, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Steel research international.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  9. E-pub ahead of print

    Statistical Analysis of the Inclusions in Rare Earth-M (M = Ca and Ti) Treated Steel

    Xie, Y., Song, M., Wang, B., Zhu, H., Xue, Z., Mayerhofer, A., Michelic, S. K., Bernhard, C. & Schenk, J., 29 Apr 2021, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Metallurgical and materials transactions. B, Process metallurgy and materials processing science.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Evaluation of dissolution rate and behaviour of MgO carriers for primary and secondary metallurgical slags

    Cheremisina, E., Schenk, J., Viertauer, A., Nilica, R. & Rössler, R., 2021.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

  11. Published

    Gibbs energy minimization and particle dissolution

    Ogris, D., Schenk, J. & Gamsjäger, E., 2021.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearchpeer-review

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