Research output

  1. Published

    인쇄에 적합한 수지 조성물 및 인쇄 방법

    그리에버토마스 (Inventor), 에들러마티아스 (Inventor), 하트만델라라 가브리엘라 (Inventor) & 외스터라이허안드레 베른하르트 (Inventor), 2 Apr 2021, IPC No. C09D 11/ 38 A I, Patent No. KR20210036370, Priority date 18 Jul 2019, Priority No. WO2019EP69338

    Research output: Patent

  2. Published

    Adjustment of Organic Electronic Device Performance by Means of UV-Light

    Edler, M., Grießer, T., Teichert, C., Zojer, E. & Marchl, M., 2014.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Ammoxidized Fenton-Activated Pine Kraft Lignin Accelerates Synthesis and Curing of Resole Resins

    Ghorbani, M., Konnerth, J., Budjav, E., Requejo Silva, A., Zinovyev, G., van Herwijnen, H. W. G., Edler, M., Grießer, T. & Liebner, F., 28 Jan 2017, In: Polymers. 9.2017, 2, 17 p., 43.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    A Novel UV Tunable and Patternable Polyaniline Derivate as a Charge Injection Layer in OLEDs

    Simone, R., Grießer, T., Edler, M., Kern, W., Rath, T., Trimmel, G., Pavitschitz, A., Teichert, C., Simbrunner, C., Schwabegger, G. & Sitter, H., 2016.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch

  5. Published

    Application of Vinyl Carbonates as Low-Toxic Monomers in Digital Inkjet Inks

    Edler, M., Mostegel, F. & Grießer, T., 12 Sept 2016.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Branched poly(ethyleneimine): a versatile scaffold for patterning polymer brushes by means of remote photocatalytic lithography

    Panzarasa, G., Dübner, M., Soliveri, G., Edler, M. & Grießer, T., 8 Sept 2017, In: Nanotechnology. 28.2017, 39, 395302.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Christian Doppler Laboratory for Functional and Polymer Based Ink-Jet Inks

    Grießer, T. & Edler, M., 2014, In: Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte : BHM. p. 50-54

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    composição de resina adequada para impressão e método de impressão com o uso da mesma

    Andreas, O. (Inventor), Florian, M. (Inventor), Janine, B. (Inventor), Martina, G. (Inventor), Matthias, E. (Inventor), Meinhart, R. (Inventor) & Thomas, G. (Inventor), 15 Aug 2017, IPC No. C08L 101/ 16 A I, Patent No. BR112016023872, Priority date 14 Apr 2015, Priority No. WO2015EP58082

    Research output: Patent

  9. Published

    Composición de resina adecuada para la impresión y método de impresión que utiliza la misma

    Oesterreicher, A. (Inventor), Griesser, T. (Inventor), Edler, M. (Inventor), Mostegel, F. (Inventor), Gassner, M. (Inventor), Roth, M. (Inventor) & Billiani, J. (Inventor), 6 Mar 2020, IPC No. C08L 101/ 16 A I, Patent No. ES2746548T, Priority date 14 Apr 2015, Priority No. WO2015EP58082

    Research output: Patent

  10. Published

    Copper zinc tin sulfide layers prepared from solution processable metal dithiocarbamate precursors

    Edler, M., Rath, T., Schenk, A., Fischereder, A., Haas, W., Chernev, B., Kunert, B., Hofer, F., Resel, R. & Trimmel, G., 2012, In: Materials chemistry and physics. 136, 2-3, p. 582-588

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

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