Research output

  1. Published

    The morphology of secondary-hardening carbides in a martensitic steel at the peak hardness by 3DFIM

    Akre, J., Danoix, F., Leitner, H. & Auger, P., 2009, In: Ultramicroscopy. 109, p. 518-523

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  2. Published

    Atom-Probe Tomography Investigation of the Precipitation Behavior in a Nickel and Aluminium

    Akre, J., Danoix, F., Erlach, S. D., Leitner, H. & Auger, P., 2006, Tooling Materials and their Application from Research to Market”. Editrice ANCORA, Edited by: M.Rosso, M.Actis Grande and D.Ugues, p. 651-659

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  3. Published

    Grain boundary segregations in technically pure molybdenum

    Babinsky, K., Primig, S., Knabl, W., Lorich, A., Weingärtner, T., Weidow, J. & Leitner, H., 2013.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Atom probe study of grain boundary segregation on technically pure molybdenum

    Babinsky, K., Weidow, J., Knabl, W., Lorich, A., Leitner, H. & Primig, S., 2014, In: Materials characterization. 87, p. 95-103

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Massive Transformation in High Niobium Containing TiAl Alloys

    Bartels, A., Bystrzanowski, S., Chladil, H., Leitner, H., Clemens, H., Gerling, R. & Schimansky, F.-P., 2005, Intergrative and Interdisciplinary Aspects of Intermetallics. Materials Research Society : MRS, p. S5.48.1-S5.48.6

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  6. Published

    The Influence of Spin-misalignment Scattering on the SANS Data Evolution of Martensitic Age-hardening Steels

    Bischof, M., Staron, P., Michels, A., Granitzer, P., Rumpf, K., Leitner, H., Scheu, C. & Clemens, H., 2007, In: Acta materialia. 55, p. 2637-2646

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    On the Development of Grain Growth Resistant Tantalum Alloys

    Bischof, M., Mayer, S., Leitner, H., Clemens, H., Staron, P., Geiger, E., Voiticek, A. & Knabl, W., 2006, In: International journal of refractory metals & hard materials. 24, p. 437-444

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    On the overaging behaviour of tool steel X38CrMoV5-3

    Bischof, M., Staron, P., Caliskanoglu, Z. D., Leitner, H., Scheu, C. & Clemens, H., 2008, In: Materials science and engineering: A, Structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing. 472, p. 148-152

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Combining complementary techniques to study precipitates in steels

    Bischof, M. A., Erlach, S., Staron, P., Leitner, H., Scheu, C. & Clemens, H., 2005, In: Zeitschrift für Metallkunde : international journal of materials research and advanced techniques. 96, p. 1074-1080

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Si and Y Doped Tantalum

    Bischof, M. A., Mayer, S., Leitner, H., Clemens, H., Pranzas, K., Staron, P., Dehm, G., Knabl, W., Voiticek, A. & Geiger, E., 2005, 16th International Plansee Seminar, (G. Kneringer, P. Rödhammer, H. Wildner, eds.). Plansee AG, p. 489-503

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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