Meinhart Roth


Research output

  1. Published

    Low migration type I photoinitiators for biocompatible thiol-ene formulations

    Oesterreicher, A., Roth, M., Hennen, D., Mostegel, F., Edler, M., Kappaun, S. & Grießer, T., 2016, In: European polymer journal. 88, 3, p. 393 - 402 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  2. Published
  3. E-pub ahead of print

    Exploring functionalized benzophenones as low-migration photoinitiators for vinyl carbonate/thiol formulations

    Roth, M., Hennen, D., Oesterreicher, A., Mostegel, F., Kappaun, S., Edler, M. & Grießer, T., 3 Nov 2016, (E-pub ahead of print) In: European polymer journal. 88.2017, March, p. 407-411 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Druckbare, esterbasierte Harzverbindung und Druckverfahren unter Verwendung derselben

    Andreas, Ö. (Inventor), Thomas, G. (Inventor), Matthias, E. (Inventor), Florian, M. (Inventor) & Meinhart, R. (Inventor), 15 Feb 2020, IPC No. C08J 3/ 00 A I, Patent No. AT521571, Priority date 12 Oct 2016, Priority No. WO2016EP74514

    Research output: Patent

  5. Published
  6. Published

    Composición de resina adecuada para la impresión y método de impresión que utiliza la misma

    Oesterreicher, A. (Inventor), Griesser, T. (Inventor), Edler, M. (Inventor), Mostegel, F. (Inventor), Gassner, M. (Inventor), Roth, M. (Inventor) & Billiani, J. (Inventor), 6 Mar 2020, IPC No. C08L 101/ 16 A I, Patent No. ES2746548T, Priority date 14 Apr 2015, Priority No. WO2015EP58082

    Research output: Patent

  7. Published

    composição de resina adequada para impressão e método de impressão com o uso da mesma

    Andreas, O. (Inventor), Florian, M. (Inventor), Janine, B. (Inventor), Martina, G. (Inventor), Matthias, E. (Inventor), Meinhart, R. (Inventor) & Thomas, G. (Inventor), 15 Aug 2017, IPC No. C08L 101/ 16 A I, Patent No. BR112016023872, Priority date 14 Apr 2015, Priority No. WO2015EP58082

    Research output: Patent

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