Jiehua LI

Research output

  1. Published

    Precipitation microstructure in Al-Si-Mg-Mn alloy with Zr additions

    Vončina, M., Medved, J., Kores, S., Xie, P., Schumacher, P. & LI, J., Sept 2019, In: Materials characterization. 155.2019, September, 8 p., 109820.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  2. Published
  3. Published

    Precipitation microstructure and age-hardening response of an Mg-Gd-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy

    Li, J., Sha, G., Wang, T., Jie, W. & Ringer, S., 2012, In: Materials science and engineering: A, Structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing. 534, p. 1-6

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Precipitation hardening of an Mg-5Zn-2Gd-0.4Zr (wt. %) alloy

    Li, J., Barrirero, J., Sha, G., Aboulfadl, H., Mücklich, F. & Schumacher, P., 2016, In: Acta materialia. 108, p. 207-218 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Phase Selection in 6082 Al-Mg-Si Alloys

    Wimmer, A. C., Li, J. & Schumacher, P., 2012, In: Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte : BHM. p. 301-305

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published
  7. Published

    Phase decomposition of a nanocrystalline AlNbTiV high-entropy alloy

    Schuh, B., Völker, B., Todt, J., Hohenwarter, A., Maier-Kiener, V. & Li, J., 5 Aug 2016.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearch

  8. Published

    On the influence of the elemental addition Au on the semi-coherent interfaces in an Al-Cu alloy

    Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., Chen, Z., Tsalanidis, A., Weyland, M., Findlay, S., Allen, L., Li, J., Bourgeois, L. & Medhekar, N., Aug 2016.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Nucleation Kinetics of Entrained Eutectic Si in Al-5Si Alloys

    Li, J., Zarif, M. Z., Albu, M., McKay, B., Hofer, F. & Schumacher, P., 2014, In: Acta materialia. 72, p. 80-98

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Nucleation and Growth of Eutectic Si in Al-Si Alloys with Na Addition

    Li, J., BARRIRERO, J., ENGSTLER, M., ABOULFADL, H., MüCKLICH, F. & Schumacher, P., 2015, In: Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science .

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

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