Gerald Pinter

Research output

  1. 2010
  2. Published
  3. Published
  4. Published

    Bestimmung von Kerbtiefen an grabenlos verlegten Polyethylen-Rohrleitungen

    Frank, A., Hartl, A. M., Redhead, A. & Pinter, G., 2010, proceedings of ÖGL Symposium Grabenlos 2010. p. 1-12

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  5. Published

    Characterization of the Orientation Parameters Around Crack Tips in Unfilled and Nanofilled Poly(propylene) Using in-situ Synchrotron Small and Wide Angle Scanning Scattering Techniques

    Feuchter, M., Maier, G., Zizak, I., Pinter, G., Kracalik, M., Laske, S. & Langecker, G. R., 2010, MODERN TRENDS IN POLYMER SCIENCE-EPF 09. Vol. 296. p. 189-196 (MACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearch

  6. Published

    Computational and experimental investigation of delamination in L-shaped laminated composite components

    Wimmer, G., Kitzmüller, W., Pinter, G., Wettemann, T. & Pettermann, H. E., 2010, In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics. p. 2810-2820

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Cyclic CRB Tests - A quick and reliable tool for ranking of PE pipe grades

    Pinter, G., Frank, A., Redhead, A. & Lang, R. W., 2010, proceedings of Plastic Pipes XV Conference 2010. p. 1-8

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  8. Published

    Cyclic interlaminar crack growth in unidirectional and braided composites

    Stelzer, S., Pinter, G., Wolfahrt, M., Brunner, A. & Noisternig, J., 2010, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites. p. 63-75

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  9. Published

    Damage Tolerance and interlaminar crack growth of braided composites

    Stelzer, S., Wolfahrt, M., Pinter, G., von Reden, T. & Noisternig, J., 2010, Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Composite Materials.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  10. Published

    Determination of x-ray elastic constants and their applications to characterize microstresses in polypropylene nanocomposites

    Feuchter, M., Maier, G., Pinter, G., Kracalik, M. & Laske, S., 2010, Book of Abstracts. p. 54-55

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  11. Published

    Development of a Test Procedure for Mode II Fatigue Delamination Resistance of Advanced Fibre-Reinforced Polymer-Matrix Laminates

    Brunner, A., Stelzer, S. & Pinter, G., 2010, Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Fracture.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution