David Misch

Research output

  1. Published
  2. Published

    Microporosity in solid bitumen: The key to unconventional reservoir potential in the Ukrainian Dniepr-Donets Basin

    Misch, D., Klaver, J., Groß, D., Sachsenhofer, R., Schmatz, J. & Urai, J., 2018.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

  3. Published
  4. Accepted/In press

    Solid bitumen in shales: Facies and maturity effects on microstructures

    Misch, D., Reischenbacher, D., Horsfield, B., Klaver, J., Sachsenhofer, R., Schmatz, J. & Urai, J., 2019, (Accepted/In press).

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

  5. Published

    Solid bitumen in shales: petrographic characteristics and implications for reservoir characterization

    Misch, D., Groß, D., Hawranek, G., Horsfield, B., Klaver, J., Mendez Martin, F., Urai, J., Vranjes-Wessely, S., Sachsenhofer, R., Schmatz, J., Li, J. & Zou, C., 28 Feb 2019, In: International journal of coal geology. 205.2019, 1 March, p. 14-31 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Petrographic and sorption-based characterization of bituminous organic matter in the Mandal Formation, Central Graben (Norway)

    Misch, D., Riedl, F., Liu, B., Horsfield, B., Ziegs, V., Mendez Martin, F., Vranjes-Wessely, S. & Sachsenhofer, R., 18 Jun 2019, In: International journal of coal geology. 211.2019, 1 July, 12 p., 103229.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  7. Accepted/In press

    Solid bitumen in shale reservoirs: a challenge in organic petrography and geochemistry

    Misch, D., Riedl, F., Vranjes-Wessely, S., Horsfield, B., Reischenbacher, D., Ziegs, V., Mendez Martin, F. & Sachsenhofer, R., Oct 2019, (Accepted/In press) New Directions in Geosciences for Unconventional Resources.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  8. Published

    Pore space characteristics of the Upper Visean ‘Rudov Beds’: insights from broad ion beam scanning electron microscopy and organic geochemical investigations

    Misch, D., Klaver, J., Groß, D., Rustamov, J., Sachsenhofer, R., Schmatz, J. & Urai, J., 2020, Geological Society Special Publication. 1 ed. London, Vol. 2020. p. 205-228 24 p. (Geological Society Special Publication; vol. 484, no. 1).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearch

  9. Published


    Misch, D., Siedl, W., Drews, M., Liu, B., Klaver, J., Pupp, M. & Sachsenhofer, R., Jan 2021, In: Journal of Petroleum Geology. 44, 1, p. 25-45 22 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  10. Published