Anita Redhead


Research output

  1. Published

    Bestimmung von Kerbtiefen an grabenlos verlegten Polyethylen-Rohrleitungen

    Frank, A., Hartl, A. M., Redhead, A. & Pinter, G., 2010, proceedings of ÖGL Symposium Grabenlos 2010. p. 1-12

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  2. Published

    Characterization of crack initiation and slow crack growth in polyethy-lene with cyclic cracked round bar tests

    Frank, A., Redhead, A., Kapur, M., Chang, D., Schramm, D., Bensason, S. & Pinter, G., 2011, 69th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers 2011, ANTEC 2011. p. 2214-2219 6 p. (Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings; vol. 3).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  3. Published

    Characterization of Crack initiation and Slow Crack Growth in Polyethylene with Cyclic Cracked Round Bar Tests

    Frank, A., Redhead, A., Kapur, M., Chang, D., Schramm, D., Pinter, G. & Bensason, S., 2011, proceedings of Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers (ANTEC). p. 2214-2219

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  4. Published

    Cyclic CRB Tests - A quick and reliable tool for ranking of PE pipe grades

    Pinter, G., Frank, A., Redhead, A. & Lang, R. W., 2010, proceedings of Plastic Pipes XV Conference 2010. p. 1-8

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  5. Published

    Development and implementation of an accelerated method for chlorine dioxide exposure

    Bredacs, M., Redhead, A., Frank, A., Bastero, A. & Pinter, G., 2016, In: AIP Conference Proceedings. 1779, 070009.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Development and Implementation of an Accelerated Method for Chlorine Dioxide Exposure

    Bredacs, M., Redhead, A., Frank, A., Bastero, A. & Pinter, G., 2015, Proceedings PPS 15.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  7. Published

    Effects of the Processing History on the Crack Kinetics in a Polyethylene Pipe Grade

    Redhead, A., Frank, A. & Pinter, G., 2011, proceedings of Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers (ANTEC). p. 1414-1418

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  8. Published

    Fracture mechanical testing of PE under the impact of liquid media

    Redhead, A. & Pinter, G., 2012.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Investigation of slow crack growth initiation in polyethylene pipe grades with accelerated cyclic tests

    Redhead, A., Frank, A. & Pinter, G., 2013, In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 101, p. 2-9

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  10. Published