Andreas Egger

Research output

  1. Published

    Vertraulicher Zwischenbericht vom 9.4.2013 (P048-F-02-03)

    Preis, W., Bucher, E., Egger, A., Perz, M., Schrödl, N., Waldhäusl, J., Sitte, W., Lube, T., Weirum, G., Janics, A., Hochenauer, C. & Kusnezoff, M., 2013

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportTransferpeer-review

  2. Published

    Electrical properties of bulk and grain boundaries of scandia-stabilized zirconia co-doped with yttria and ceria

    Preis, W., Waldhäusl, J., Egger, A., Sitte, W., de Carvalho, E. & Irvine, J. T. S., 2011, In: Solid State Ionics. 192, p. 148-152

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published
  4. Published

    Bulk and grain boundary conductivities as function of temperature and oxygen partial pressure of scandia-stabilized zirconia co-doped with yttria and ceria

    Preis, W., Egger, A., Waldhäusl, J., Sitte, W., de Carvalho, E. & Irvine, J., 2009, ECS Transactions 25. p. 1635-1642

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  5. Published

    Vertraulicher Zwischenbericht vom 25.4.2014 (P048-F-02-03)

    Preis, W., Bucher, E., Egger, A., Perz, M., Schrödl, N., Waldhäusl, J., Sitte, W., Lube, T., Lawlor, V., Janics, A., Hochenauer, C. & Kusnezoff, M., 25 Apr 2014

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportTransfer

  6. Published

    Vertraulicher Bericht: Endbericht (P048-F-02-03)

    Preis, W., Bucher, E., Sitte, W., Egger, A., Perz, M., Schrödl, N., Waldhäusl, J., Lube, T., Kusnezoff, M., Lawlor, V. & Werl, M., 3 Dec 2015

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportResearch

  7. Published

    Vertraulicher Bericht: Publizierbarer Endbericht (P048-F-02-03)

    Preis, W., Bucher, E., Sitte, W., Egger, A., Perz, M., Schrödl, N., Waldhäusl, J., Lube, T., Kusnezoff, M., Lawlor, V. & Werl, M., 3 Dec 2015

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportResearch

  8. Published

    Phase composition and proton uptake of acceptor-doped self-generated Ba(Ce,Fe)O3-δ – Ba(Fe,Ce)O3-δ composites

    Nader, C., Lammer, J., Egger, A., Berger, C., Sitte, W., Grogger, W., Merkle, R., Maier, J. & Bucher, E., Mar 2024, In: Solid State Ionics. 406.2024, March, 8 p., 116474.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Electronic structure, phase formation, and defect distribution in the Ba(Ce,Fe,Acc)O3-δ system investigated by density functional theory calculations

    Merkle, R., Chesnokov, A., Hoedl, M. F., Gryaznov, D., Nader, C., Egger, A., Bucher, E., Kotomin, E. A., Maier, J. & Sitte, W., 16 Jul 2024.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch

  10. Published

    Two new azido bridging Mn(II) 1D systems: Synthesis and characterization of trans-[Mn(N3)2(2-aminopyridine)2]n and trans-[Mn(N3)2(4-azidopyridine)2]n

    Mautner, F. A., Egger, A., Sodin, B., Goher, M. A. S., Abu-Youssef, M. A. M., Massoud, A., Escuer, A. & Vicente, R., 2010, In: Journal of Molecular Structure. 969, p. 192-196

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

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