Organisational unit: University
ÖWAV poster prize 3rd place
Viczek, S. A. (Recipient), 4 May 2022
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
ÖWAV Postersession 3.Platz
Aberger, J. (Recipient), 20 Apr 2023
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Paper of the month (June) “RSC Polymer Chemistry”
Schlögl, S. (Recipient), Rossegger, E. (Recipient), Moazzen, K. (Recipient) & Fleisch, M. (Recipient), 2021
Prize: Other distinction
Paper of the month (March) “RSC Polymer Chemistry”
Schlögl, S. (Recipient), Rossegger, E. (Recipient), Reisinger, D. (Recipient), Strasser, J. (Recipient), Fleisch, M. (Recipient) & Grießer, T. (Recipient), 2021
Prize: Other distinction
Perovskite Oxides as Catalysts for Methanol Steam Reforming
Berger, T. (Recipient), 30 Aug 2023
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Peter B. Czedik-Eysenberg-Preis 2001 der GÖCh-Arbeitsgruppe Lebensmittelchemie, Kosmetik und Tenside
Bandoniene, D. (Recipient), 2001
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Photogrammetry Application in Brenner Base Tunnel wins Allied Visions's Case Study Competition
Wenighofer, R. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Piercy Visiting Professor Fellowship
Kiener, D. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)