Organisational unit: University
University of Canterbury Teaching Award
Villeneuve, M. (Recipient), 2019
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Verleihung des Erwin Wenzl Preises 2012
Maier, J. (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Walther E. Petraschek Preis der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW)
Misch, D. (Recipient), 2018
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Weiterbildungsförderung AuCerS
Schrenk, F. (Recipient), 19 Sept 2024
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Weiterbildunsförderung Österreichische Keramische Gesellschaft
Schrenk, F. (Recipient), 11 May 2023
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Wilhelm Haglund Medal
Sifferlinger, N. A. (Recipient), May 2009
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Wissenschaftspreis für Montanistinnen
Bodner, S. (Recipient), 8 Mar 2021
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)