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  1. IBM journal of research and development [Elektronische Ressource]

    ISSNs: 0018-8646

    IBM Corporation

    Scopus rating (2021): CiteScore 6 SJR 0.712 SNIP 1.562


  2. IEE Conference Publication

    ISSNs: 0537-9989

    Institution of Engineering and Technology

    Journal: Book series

  3. IEE proceedings / Vision, image and signal processing

    ISSNs: 1350-245X

    Institute of Electrical Engineers


  4. IEE proceedings / the Institution of Electrical Engineers Unterreihe Part G, Circuits, devices and systems

    ISSNs: 0956-3768

    Institute of Electrical Engineers, United Kingdom


  5. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology

    ISSNs: 2156-3950

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, United States

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 4.7 SJR 0.562 SNIP 1.119


  6. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

    ISSNs: 0018-943X

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


  7. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

    ISSNs: 0162-8828

    IEEE Computer Society

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 28.4 SJR 6.158 SNIP 6.47


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