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  1. Ars combinatoria

    ISSNs: 0381-7032

    Charles Babbage Research Centre

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 0.3 SJR 0.136 SNIP 0.313


  2. Archives of metallurgy and materials

    ISSNs: 1733-3490

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 2300-1909

    Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 1.2 SJR 0.208 SNIP 0.343

    Indexed in DOAJ


  3. Archives of Mechanics

    ISSNs: 0373-2029

    Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 1.4 SJR 0.239 SNIP 0.518


  4. Archives of Mechanical Technology and Materials

    ISSNs: 2450-9469

    de Gruyter


  5. Archives of Materials Science and Engineering

    ISSNs: 1897-2764

    International OCSCO World Press

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 2.9 SJR 0.275 SNIP 0.633


  6. Archives of Foundry Engineering (AFE ; quarterly)

    ISSNs: 1897-3310

    Polish Academy of Sciences, Katowice Branch

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 1.1 SJR 0.205 SNIP 0.47


  7. Archives of civil and mechanical engineering

    ISSNs: 1644-9665

    Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 6.8 SJR 0.816 SNIP 1.362


  8. Archive of applied mechanics

    ISSNs: 0939-1533, 0020-1154

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1432-0681

    Springer Berlin, Germany

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 4.4 SJR 0.52 SNIP 0.987
