Earth Science Reviews, ‎0012-8252


Additional searchable ISSN (electronic)1872-6828

Research output

  1. 2020
  2. Published

    Comparability of heavy mineral data – the first interlaboratory round robin test

    Dunkl, I., von Eynatten, H., Andó, S., Lünsdorf, K., Morton, A., Alexander, B., Aradi, L., Augustsson, C., Bahlburg, H., Barbarano, M., Benedictus, A., Berndt, J., Blitz, I., Boekhout, F., Breitfeld, T., Cascalho, J., Costa, P. J. M., Ekwenye, O., Fehér, K. & Flores-Aqueveque, V. & 49 others, Führing, P., Giannini, P., Goetz, W., Guedes, C., Gyurica, G., Hennig-Breitfeld, J., Hülscher, J., Jafarzadeh, M., Jagodziński, R., Józsa, S., Kelemen, P., Keulen, N., Kovacic, M., Liebermann, C., Limonta, M., Lužar-Oberiter, B., Markovic, F., Melcher, F., Miklós, D. G., Moghalu, O., Mounteney, I., Nascimento, D., Novaković, T., Obbágy, G., Oehlke, M., Omma, J., Onuk, P., Passchier, S., Pfaff, K., Lincoñir, L. P., Power, M., Razum, I., Resentini, A., Sági, T., Salata, D., Salgueiro, R., Schönig, J., Sitnikova, M., Sternal, B., Szakmány, G., Szokaluk, M., Thamó-Bozsó, E., Tóth, Á., Tremblay, J., Verhaegen, J., Villaseñor, T., Wagreich, M., Wolf, A. & Yoshida, K., 16 Jun 2020, In: Earth Science Reviews. 211.2020, December, 27 p., 103210.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review