BMC biology
Additional searchable ISSN (electronic) | 1741-7007 |
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Research output
- 2015
Systems-level organization of yeast methylotrophic lifestyle
Rußmayer, H., Buchetics, M., Gruber, C., Valli, M., Grillitsch, K., Modarres, G., Guerrasio, R., Klavins, K., Neubauer, S., Drexler, H., Steiger, M. G., Troyer, C., Al Chalabi, A., Krebiehl, G., Sonntag, D., Zellnig, G., Daum, G., Graf, A. B., Altmann, F. & Koellensperger, G. & 4 others, , 23 Sept 2015, In: BMC biology. 13.2015, 1, 25 p., 80.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review