Menghuai Wu
- 2008
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Multiphase Flow Modeling and Its Application Potentials in Steel Continuous Casting
Wu, M., Ludwig, A., Pfeiler, C. & Mayer, F., 2008, in: Journal of iron and steel research international. 15, S. 30-37Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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Multiphase/multicomponent modeling of solidification processes: Coupling solidification kinetics with thermodynamics
Ishmurzin, A., Gruber-Pretzler, M., Mayer, F., Wu, M. & Ludwig, A., 2008, in: International journal of materials research : IJMR ; Zeitschrift für Metallkunde. 99.2008, 6, S. 618-625 8 S.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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Numerical Modeling of the Effect of Global Transport Phenomena on the Microstructure Formation
Grasser, M., Mayer, F., Ishmurzin, A., Könözsy, L., Wu, M. & Ludwig, A., 2008, in: Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte : BHM. 153, S. 278-281Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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On the Formation of Macrosegregations in Steel Ingot Castings
Wu, M., Könözsy, L., Ludwig, A., Schützenhöfer, W. & Tanzer, R., 2008, in: Steel research international. 79, S. 637-644Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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On the Importance of Electric Currents Flowing directly into the Mould during an ESR Process
Kharicha, A., Schützenhöfer, W., Ludwig, A., Tanzer, R. & Wu, M., 2008, in: Steel research international. 79, S. 632-636Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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Solidification and Particle Entrapment during Continuous Casting of Steel
Pfeiler, C., Thomas, B. G., Wu, M., Ludwig, A. & Kharicha, A., 2008, in: Steel research international. 79, S. 599-607Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
- 2007
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Using a three-phase deterministic model for the columnar-to-equiaxed transition
Wu, M. & Ludwig, A., 1 Juli 2007, in: Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science . 38 A, 7, S. 1465-1475 11 S.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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A Model for Equiaxed Dendritic Solidification with Melt Convection and Grain Sedimentation
Wu, M. & Ludwig, A., 2007, A Model for Equiaxed Dendritic Solidification with Melt Convection and Grain Sedimentation. S. 130-134Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Combining Ternary Phase Diagram Information with Multiphase Solidification Simulations
Ludwig, A., Ishmurzin, A., Gruber-Pretzler, M., Mayer, F., Wu, M., Tanzer, R. & Schützenhöfer, W., 2007, Combining Ternary Phase Diagram Information with Multiphase Solidification Simulations. S. 493-496Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Correct electric current paths in a multiphase process involving two phases with large difference in electric conductivity
Kharicha, A., Ludwig, A. & Wu, M., 2007, Correct electric current paths in a multiphase process involving two phases with large difference in electric conductivity.Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Eulerian multiphase modeling of solidification processes
Wu, M., 2007Publikationen: Thesis / Studienabschlussarbeiten und Habilitationsschriften › Habilitationsschrift › (peer-reviewed)
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Macrosegregation in Continuous Casting of Phosphor Bronze – Impact on Properties and Model-ing of Formation
Gruber-Pretzler, M., Mayer, F., Wu, M., Ludwig, A., Riedle, J. & Hofmann, U., 2007, Macrosegregation in Continuous Casting of Phosphor Bronze – Impact on Properties and Model-ing of Formation. S. 265-279Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Modeling Equiaxed Dendritic Solidification with Melt Convection and Grain Sedimentation
Wu, M. & Ludwig, A., 2007, Xi'an International Symposium on Solidification (ISS07). S. 1-15Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Numerical Study of the Impact of Gravity and Marangoni force on the Droplet Distribution of Hypermonotectic AlBi Alloys
Gruber-Pretzler, M., Könözsy, L., Wu, M., Ludwig, A., Mathiesen, R. H., Schaffer, P. & Arnberg, L., 2007, Numerical Study of the Impact of Gravity and Marangoni force on the Droplet Distribution of Hypermonotectic AlBi Alloys. S. 249-253Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Numerical Study of the Shrinkage Flow Induced Macrosegregation in Continuous Casting of Steel
Mayer, F., Gruber-Pretzler, M., Wu, M. & Ludwig, A., 2007, Numerical Study of the Shrinkage Flow Induced Macrosegregation in Continuous Casting of Steel. S. 265-270Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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On the Importance of the Electric Currents Flowing directly into the Mould during an ESR Process
Kharicha, A., Schützenhöfer, W., Ludwig, A., Tanzer, R. & Wu, M., 2007, On the Importance of the Electric Currents Flowing directly into the Mould during an ESR Process. S. 105-110Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Parameter Study on the Formation of Macrosegregation in a Large Steel Ingot
Könözsy, L., Mayer, F., Ishmurzin, A., Wu, M., Ludwig, A., Tanzer, R. & Schützenhöfer, W., 2007, Parameter Study on the Formation of Macrosegregation in a Large Steel Ingot. S. 126-132Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Particle Entrapment in the Mushy Region of a Steel Continuous Caster
Pfeiler, C., Thomas, B. G., Ludwig, A. & Wu, M., 2007, Particle Entrapment in the Mushy Region of a Steel Continuous Caster. S. 247-252Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Selected Numerical Investigations on ESR Process
Kharicha, A., Mackenbrock, A., Ludwig, A., Schützenhöfer, W., Maronnier, V., Wu, M., Köser, O. & Tanzer, R., 2007, Selected Numerical Investigations on ESR Process. S. 113-119Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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The Validation of a Multiphase Model for the Macrosegregations and Primary Structure of High Grade Steel Ingots
Tanzer, R., Schützenhöfer, W., Reiter, G., Fauland, H. P., Könözsy, L., Ishmurzin, A., Wu, M. & Ludwig, A., 2007, The Validation of a Multiphase Model for the Macrosegregations and Primary Structure of High Grade Steel Ingots. S. 121-126Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband