Menghuai Wu
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Numerical simulation of fluid flow in the mushy zone under rotation magnetic field: Influence of Permeability
Zhang, H., Wu, M., Zheng, Y., Ludwig, A. & Kharicha, A., 2018.Publikationen: Konferenzbeitrag › Paper › (peer-reviewed)
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Stefan-Kharicha, M., Kharicha, A., Reiss, G., Eßl, W., Mugrauer, C., Goodwin, F., Wu, M., Ludwig, A. & Zaidat, K., 2021.Publikationen: Konferenzbeitrag › Poster › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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Numerical modelling of the MHD flow in continuous casting mold by two CFD platforms ANSYS Fluent and OpenFOAM
Vakhrushev, A., Liu, Z., Wu, M., Kharicha, A., Ludwig, A., Nitzl, G., Tang, Y. & Hackl, G., 1 Jan. 2018, ICS 2018 - 7th International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking: The Challenge of Industry 4.0. Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia, (ICS 2018 - 7th International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking: The Challenge of Industry 4.0).Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Numerical Modelling of Bubbly Flow in Continuous Casting Mold using Two Population Balance Approaches
Liu, Z., Vakhrushev, A., Wu, M., Ludwig, J., Li, B., Xu, G. & Ludwig, A., 2018, S. 1. 10 S.Publikationen: Konferenzbeitrag › Paper › (peer-reviewed)
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Numerical modeling of the MHD flow in continuous casting mold by two CFD platforms ANSYS Fluent and OpenFOAM
Vakhrushev, A., Wu, M., Kharicha, A. & Ludwig, A., 2018.Publikationen: Konferenzbeitrag › Paper › (peer-reviewed)
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Numerical Modeling of the Effect of Global Transport Phenomena on the Microstructure Formation
Grasser, M., Mayer, F., Ishmurzin, A., Könözsy, L., Wu, M. & Ludwig, A., 2008, in: Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte : BHM. 153, S. 278-281Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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Numerical modeling of clog fragmentation during SEN clogging in steel continuous casting
Barati, H., Wu, M., Ilie, S., Kharicha, A. & Ludwig, A., 1 Feb. 2024, in: Powder Technology. 434.2024, 1 February, 14 S., 119307.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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"Numerical modeling of centrifugal casting: FLUENT vs. own code in MATLAB"
Bohacek, J., Kharicha, A., Ludwig, A. & Wu, M., 2013Publikationen: Buch/Bericht › Forschungsbericht › Transfer › (peer-reviewed)
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Numerical modeling of bubbly flow in continuous casting mold using two population balance approaches
Liu, Z., Vakhrushev, A., Wu, M., Ludwig, A., Li, B. & Xu, G., 1 Jan. 2018, ICS 2018 - 7th International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking: The Challenge of Industry 4.0. Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia, (ICS 2018 - 7th International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking: The Challenge of Industry 4.0).Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
- Elektronische Veröffentlichung vor Drucklegung.
Numerical modeling and experimental validation of the effect of arc distribution on the as-solidified Ti64 ingot in vacuum arc remelting (VAR) process
Karimi Sibaki, E., Kharicha, A., Vakhrushev, A., Abdi, M., Wu, M., Ludwig, A., Bohacek, J. & Preiß, B., 11 Mai 2022, (Elektronische Veröffentlichung vor Drucklegung.) in: Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 19.2022, July-August, S. 183-193 11 S.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)