Gregor Karl Mori
261 - 267 von 267Seitengröße: 10
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A New Testing Method for Lifetime Prediction of Automotive Exhaust Silencers
Yasir, M., Mori, G., Wieser, H., Schattenkirchner, M. & Hogl, M., 22 Mai 2011, in: International journal of corrosion. 2011, 5 S., 689292.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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Corrosion Resistance of Different Stainless Steels in Automotive Exhaust Industry
Yasir, M., Mori, G., Reller, A. & Wieser, H., 2009, Proceedings of Eurocorr 2009. S. 1-21Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Appearance and Mechanism of Crevice Corrosion in Exhaust Mufflers
Yasir, M., Mori, G. & Wieser, H., 2009, Proceedings of Corrosion and prevention 2009. S. 1-16Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Study of sensitization and different heating cycles on stainless steels used for automotive exhaust components
Yasir, M., Mori, G., Wieser, H., Reller, A. & Höppel, H. W., 1 Sept. 2012, in: Materials and Corrosion. 63, 9, S. 763-776 14 S.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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Appearance and mechanism of crevice of corrosion in exhaust mufflers
Yasir, M., Mori, G., Reller, A. & Wieser, H., 1 Dez. 2009, 49th Annual Conference of the Australasian Corrosion Association 2009: Corrosion and Prevention 2009. S. 92-98 7 S. (49th Annual Conference of the Australasian Corrosion Association 2009: Corrosion and Prevention 2009).Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Corrosion studies of different metal coatings for automotive exhaust applications
Yasir, M., Mori, G., Özer, S. C., Haider, F. & Wieser, H., 11 Juli 2011, International Corrosion Conference series / National Association of Corrosion Engineers. (NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series).Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Corrosion resistance of hot-dip galvanised steel in soils
Ziebermayr, S., Fleischanderl, M., Stellnberger, K. H., Linhardt, P. & Mori, G., 1 Jan. 2015, European Corrosion Congress, EUROCORR 2015. ASMET, 1 S. (European Corrosion Congress, EUROCORR 2015; Band 3).Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband