Gregor Karl Mori


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    The influence of microstructure on hydrogen-assisted fracture in high-strength aluminum alloys

    Moshtaghi, M., Safyari, M., Hojo, T., Mori, G. K. & Kuramoto, S., 29 Aug. 2022, The influence of microstructure on hydrogen-assisted fracture in high-strength aluminum alloys. 36800

    Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandBeitrag in Konferenzband

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    The effect of HPAM polymer for enhanced oil recovery on corrosion behaviour of a carbon steel and interaction with the inhibitor under simulated brine conditions

    Moshtaghi, M., Eskinja, M., Mori, G. K., Grießer, T., Safyari, M. & Cole, I., 22 März 2023, in: Corrosion science. 217.2023, June, 20 S., 111118.

    Publikationen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschung(peer-reviewed)

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    Passivation Behaviour of Copper Anodes with Various Chemical

    Mubarok, Z., Antrekowitsch, H. & Mori, G., 2007,

    TMS 2007 136 th Annual Meeting & Exhibiton (collected proceedings)

    S. 1-10

    Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandBeitrag in Konferenzband

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    Problems Developed on the Electrolysis of Copper Anodes with High Contents of Nickel, Antimony, Tin and Lead

    Mubarok, Z., Antrekowitsch, H., Mori, G., Lossin, A. & Leuprecht, G., 2007, Proceedings of the Copper/Cobre 2007. S. 59-76

    Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandBeitrag in Konferenzband

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    Assessing hydrogen susceptibility of press-hardened & high strength steels using various testing methods

    Muhr, A., Kolnberger, S., Zwettler, F., Luckeneder, G., Faderl, J., Stellnberger, K. H., Mori, G. & Kurz, T., 1 Jan. 2015, European Corrosion Congress, EUROCORR 2015. ASMET, 1 S. (European Corrosion Congress, EUROCORR 2015; Band 2).

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    Activation and Repassivation of Stainless Steels in Artificial Brines as a Function of pH

    Mujanovic, E., Zajec, B., Kosec, T., Legat, A., Hönig, S., Zehethofer, G. & Mori, G., 20 Nov. 2019, in: Materials. 12.2019, 23, 11 S., 3811.

    Publikationen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschung(peer-reviewed)

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    Depassivation and repassivation of stainless steels by stepwise pH change

    Mujanović, E., Zajec, B., Legat, A., Kosec, T., Kovač, J., Mori, G., Hönig, S. & Zehethofer, G., 2 Okt. 2020, in: Materials and Corrosion. 72.2021, 3, S. 421-433 13 S.

    Publikationen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschung(peer-reviewed)

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