Alexander Vakhrushev
- 2013
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Modeling of the flow-solidification interaction in thin slab casting
Vakhrushev, A., Wu, M., Ludwig, A., Tang, Y., Hackl, G. & Nitzl, G., 2013, McWASP XIII. S. 1-1Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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"Modelling and Simulation of Thin-Slap Casting"
Vakhrushev, A. & Wu, M., 2013Publikationen: Buch/Bericht › Forschungsbericht › Transfer › (peer-reviewed)
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Numerical investigation of shell formation in thin slab casting of funnel-type mould
Vakhrushev, A., Wu, M., Ludwig, A., Tang, Y., Hackl, G. & Nitzl, G., 2013, in: Metallurgical and materials transactions. B, Process metallurgy and materials processing science.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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"Simulation of the beam blank casting. A new SEN type for the thin slab casting"
Vakhrushev, A., 2013Publikationen: Buch/Bericht › Forschungsbericht › Transfer › (peer-reviewed)
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Simulation results report "Simulation of the beam blank casting" for RHI "Importance of Hydrodynamics in Peritectic Steel Thin Slab Casting"
Vakhrushev, A., Ludwig, A. & Wu, M., 2013Publikationen: Buch/Bericht › Forschungsbericht › Transfer
- 2012
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Advanced Multiphase Modeling of Solidification with OpenFOAM®
Vakhrushev, A., Ludwig, A., Wu, M., Tang, Y., Hackl, G. & Nitzl, G., 2012, Open Source CFD International Conference 2012. S. 1-18Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Jahresbericht CD-Labor für Prozesssimulation von Erstarrungs-und Umschmelzvorgängen Modul I
Vakhrushev, A., Wu, M. & Ludwig, A., 2012Publikationen: Buch/Bericht › Forschungsbericht › Transfer › (peer-reviewed)
- 2011
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Coupling the turbulent flow with the solidification processes in OpenFOAM®
Wu, M., Ludwig, A., Vakhrushev, A., Tang, Y., Nitzl, G. & Hackl, G., 2011, Proceedings of Open Source CFD Int. Conf. 2011. S. 1-21Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Modeling of Heat Transfer and Solidification Processes in Thin Slab Caster
Vakhrushev, A., Ludwig, A., Wu, M., Tang, Y., Nitzl, G. & Hackl, G., 2011, European Continous Casting Conference ECCC 2011. S. 1-10Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Modeling of nonmetallic inclusions and gas bubbles motion in continuous caster
Vakhrushev, A., Ludwig, A., Wu, M., Tang, Y., Nitzl, G. & Hackl, G., 2011, Proceedings of the 4rd Int. Conf. Simulation and Modeling in Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking (STEELSIM 2011). S. 17.1-8Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband